What is ISEAL Code Compliant?

ISEAL’s Community Members are sustainability standards and similar systems that collaborate to scale and demonstrate positive impact. Its Code Compliant members go further, committing to adhere to the ISEAL Code, a globally recognised framework that defines practices for effective and credible sustainability systems.

Transitioning to the ISEAL Code

ISEAL Code Compliant status recognises our Community Members that currently adhere to our Standard-Setting, Impacts and Assurance Codes of Good Practice and have committed to follow the ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Sustainability Systems (‘the ISEAL Code’), demonstrating a rigorous approach to improvement.

Only Community Members are eligible to apply to become ISEAL Code Compliant. Please refer to the document 'What is ISEAL Code Compliant?' for further details.

The ISEAL Code came into effect on 1 March 2024, following revision and integration of ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice, and inclusion of essential practices from the ISEAL Sustainability Claims Good Practice Guide.

ISEAL Code Compliant members have 18 months to align their systems to the ISEAL Code. During this time, they will engage in supporting compliance activities, including completing self-assessments, developing alignment plans, and implementing necessary changes across their systems.

Independent evaluations are paused during the transition period. In Q4 2025, evaluators will resume assessment of our members  against the requirements of the ISEAL Code.

Read the document 'Approach to compliance and transition period', for more details on the transition period.

If you have any questions or comments about the ISEAL Code or transition period, email compliance@isealalliance.org.

Policies and procedures

These documents support ISEAL Community Members and applicants when participating in the compliance programme and communicating ISEAL Code Compliant status.

Please note: The content of the procedures and requirements under the ISEAL Standards-Setting, Impacts and Assurance Codes of Good Practice are still relevant during the transition period. Revisions are planned to reflect publication of the ISEAL Code.

Our membership structure

ISEAL Community Member Open to sustainability systems that meet eligibility criteria and demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement. This category represents all the ISEAL community.
ISEAL Code Compliant ISEAL Community Members that adhere to all three of ISEAL's Codes of Good Practice by meeting independent evaluation requirements and have committed to adhere to the ISEAL Code also belong to this category.
ISEAL Accreditation Member ISEAL Community Members that demonstrate compliance with ISO/IEC 17011:2017 belong to this category.