Our membership

ISEAL Community Members are sustainability systems and accreditation bodies dedicated to delivering benefits for people and planet.

They are committed to continually improving their systems and impacts through learning and innovation. They are collaborative in their approach toward engaging with stakeholders and peers. And they are transparent and truthful about how their systems work and how they measure their impacts.

ISEAL Community Members abide by our Code of Conduct and submit annual progress reports and improvement plans against our Codes of Good Practice. To understand the difference they are making, they must implement a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system within the first three years of participation. 

ISEAL Code Compliant organisations demonstrate a rigorous approach to improvement by implementing ISEAL’s Standards-Setting, Impacts and Assurance Codes of Good Practice.

Only ISEAL Community Members can apply to become ISEAL Code Compliant. Community Members that demonstrate adherence to the baseline and improvement criteria of ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice in accordance with the ISEAL Independent Evaluation Procedure are recognised as ISEAL Code Compliant. The ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Sustainability Systems ('ISEAL Code') v1.0 became effective as of 1 March 2024 and ISEAL Code Compliant organisations have an 18-month transition period to align their systems to the ISEAL Code as outlined here.