This Excel document outlines all the Delta indicators, with their respective data points and data collection templates, as well as some reporting examples.
This Excel document is a questionnaire developed for the pilots conducted to test the Delta Indicators, it aimed to collect data points for most of the Delta Indicators as it was meant to collect only those data points that were not already collected by the piloting organisation through the existing M&E system.
This infographic illustrates the research report authored by AidEnvironment and commissioned by ISEAL. The report is a refresher of the 2016 review and synthesis of literature and evidence of the business benefits of adopting sustainability standards. In total 40 credible source research documents, covering seven sectors were reviewed.
The IPM Coalition under the umbrella of the ISEAL Alliance created “Pesticides & Alternatives”.
The multi-lingual tool will support pest control with less negative environmental and human impact. The APP is targeted for auditors, decision-makers of farms, fields and forests.
The link below will take users to the Apple Store to download the app for free.
ISEAL has developed a good practice guide to help ensure that sustainability claims made by jurisdictions, landscape initiatives, and the companies that source from or support them, are credible. The guidance covers the structural and performance claims a jurisdictional entity may wish to make, along with the supporting action claims of other related stakeholders.
Experts from ISEAL, and ISEAL members discuss what our research is telling us about the reach, contribution and impacts of standards on smallholder farmers and what this means for future innovations and partnerships.
An introduction to the new GIS self-starter kit, which gives a glimpse of the possibilities of GIS and how the tools can be integrated into audit routines. The self-starter kit explains what GIS is, introduces some commonly used GIS software and applications and describes how to use them.
This resource includes the recording and slides of the second learning workshop of the remote auditing project.
An introduction to the World Benchmarking Alliance.
Current vacancies at ISEAL Community Members, and organisations signed up to ISEAL Insight